
Best FireSteel isn't a "one size fits all and be done with it" solution - unless you want it that way. We have FireSteels in a wide variety of sizes so that you can hone in on the best fit for your needs or even experiment and come up with new uses for FireSteels.

After all, that's part of the fun in selecting and using FireSteels!

What is the Best FireSteel?

Because there is a huge selection of FireSteels to choose from on, I am often asked the question “What is the Best FireSteel for my needs”?

This is an excellent question. And as with most good questions the best answer will often be: “it depends”.

Let me explain.

Want the Best FireSteel for Your Needs?

Just ask!

Let's say like many customers you contact me and ask my recommendations for best FireSteels for some intended purpose you have. (I enjoy hearing from customers very much, by the way).

After all, I am a well-known, reputable seller of FireSteel Gear. I have been doing this for nearly ten years, and will likely have some valuable input on the subject that you can leverage to make an informed decision.

What's more, has a huge selection of FireSteels to meet your every need. Surely amongst this wide variety of FireSteels there are certain sizes and configurations you can use to best advantage.

That's the beauty of buying FireSteels from a guy like me. I'm here for you each and every day (well, most days – I admit to often being out the forest and mountains). You can email me, ask your questions, and I'll get back to you.

FireSteel Recommendations

Asking the Right Questions

Before giving you my recommendations for what best fits your FireSteel needs, it's essential that I ask you some important questions such as:

  • Your intended purpose for your FireSteel. For example will you be:
    • Using a FireSteel for BushCraft and Survival
    • Storing a FireSteel for Emergency Preparedness
    • Carrying a FireSteel Hiking, Biking, Boating etc
    • Choosing a FireSteel for a Survival Kit
    • Using a FireSteel for Barbecues
    • Best FireSteels for Scouts
    • US Military FireSteels
    • FireSteels for Every Day Carry ("EDC")
    • FireSteels for Disaster Situations
    • FireSteels in the Movie and Entertainment Industry
    • Other uses for FireSteels

Additional important considerations in choosing the best FireSteel for your intended purpose include

  • Ages of the FireSteel users.
  • How experienced is the FireSteel user in making fires.
  • Is he or she experienced with using FireSteels.
  • Are you teaching FireMaking courses in a Group.
  • The weather conditions the FireSteels will be used in.
  • Is there a chance the FireSteel user could be impaired – perhaps due to hypothermia, injury, or shock?

While these are not exactly tough questions, answering them will help give you the insight needed to choose the optimum FireSteel for its intended purpose.

Next up, we will delve further into how to choose the best FireSteels from

Until then, enjoy the day and get out there!

Ron Fontaine LLC

Mar 22nd 2015 Ron Fontaine

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