Mountain Tragedy on The Second Coldest Place on Earth

Mountain Tragedy on The Second Coldest Place on Earth

Spring has nearly arrived, after weeks of below zero F weather here in the Great North Woods. The day before yesterday I got out for a nice snowshoe hike in the deep snow of the Presidential Range. The temperature reached about 45-degrees F and the sun reflecting off the snow made it feel like an oven!

Of course in these parts temps can still go down below zero F degrees, but the longer days mean the warming trend is in effect!

Death in the Mountains

About three weeks ago nearby Mount Washington (elevation 6288 feet in New Hampshire) was the 2nd coldest place on Earth - only an area in Antarctica near the South Pole being colder.

The Mount Washington Summit Observatory reported a temperature of minus 35-degrees F below zero and winds of over 140 miles per hour.

Mount Washington in New Hampshire
Recently the 2nd coldest place on Earth

I've hiked Mount Washington on many occasions and worked for several years on the US Forest Service Trail Crews. When the wind is gusting over 100 miles per hour on the exposed tundra above treeline it is difficult to just stand on your feet as you are buffeted around.

Even a brief exposure that kind of windchill can be deadly and, tragically, one hiker did lose her life.

Alas, that day on the 2nd coldest place on earth someone was foolhardy enough to challenge everything these mountains could throw at her.

While she had the wherewithal to enable the personal locator beacon she carried, rescue teams could not get to her in a timely manner due to extremely high winds, deep snow, and low temperatures.

After great personal risk to their own lives, rescue crews eventually found a body.

Many expert mountaineers train on New Hampshire's Mount Washington before tackling Everest. Now you know why.

Fire Means Survival

What she should have done is simple: retreated down below tree-line and struck up a fire with her GobSpark Armageddon™ FireSteel. She would have survived and rescuers would not have risked life and limb to save her.

That's the wondrous nature of Firesteels – you carry with you the means of survival because simply making fire can save your life. It would have saved hers had she only known what to do and the FireSteel to make that life saving fire.

Life in Mud Season

As the Spring season approaches, the deep snow in the Great North Woods will take awhile to melt. This exposes a layer of thawed ground on top of frozen ground that results in the infamous "mud season" where you can sink up to your knees in muck while walking. Vehicles easily get stuck if you are not careful.

As dangerous as below zero temperatures are, early spring and mud season bring a wet cold, which is often more dangerous than the dry cold of sub-freezing temperatures. Hypothermia is a real problem when your clothing is wet with rain, melting snow, or even sweat.

The Solution to Hypothermia is Creating Warmth

The solution? Get under cover as best you can and strike up a fire with your GobSpark FireSteel. This beast won't let you down - even if your hands are numb and difficult to use because of the cold.

The GobSpark Armageddon™ FireSteel
Designed for use with cold, numb hands or gloves

The GobSpark Armageddons™ special shape and Palm Scraper™ is designed for use with gloved or benumbed hands. This makes it a favorite of hikers, backpackers, hunters, fishermen, adventurers, military personnel, survivalists, and anyone who wants the assurance of being able to make up to 12,000 or more fires reliably no matter what the conditions.

A GobSpark Armageddon™ can save your life. Start a fire, dry your clothing, warm your body, and drink warm fluids and eat hot food.

Can't go wrong there! Mud Season Special

Be sure to check out our valuable coupon codes the link to which is displayed prominently on the main horizontal menu of the website. You can save an additional 5%, 10%. and more when you purchase the best firesteels on the planet.

And remember: Always Enjoy the Day!

Ron, -35 Degrees Below Zero
If FireSteels didn't work, I'd be DEAD.
How's that for product testing?

That's it for now. Get out there, seize life, and have fun making fires!

Ron Fontaine

Mar 17th 2015 Ron Fontaine

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