
Bitcoins and FireSteels

Buy FireSteel with Bitcoins

We support BitCoin, the alternative to that fiat paper stuff .gov is printing by the trillions.

If you have BitCoins and want to do something with them, why not purchase FireSteels!  Keeping BitCoins in circulation is the whole idea.

Simply send us an email with the following information:

1) The names and SKU's of the product(s) you want.

2) The number of each products(s) you want

3) Your mailing address.  Make double sure the address you give is correct

We will calculate the BitCoin amount for your order.

Hi Ron, I would like to order the following items from using BitCoin.  Please send me a unique Bitcoin address I can send the Bitcoins to. My mailing address is listed below:

Red GobSpark Armageddon FireSteel with Palm Scraper
Number I want: 5

FireSteel Bunker
Number I want: 2

Please mail my package using USPS Priority Mail to my address here:

John Doe
859 Zombie Street
Concord, CA 93845

Thank you, Ron!

We will send you an email containing a unique Bitcoin address and order totals so you can place your order.

Tell your friends - you won't find a better way to spend your BitCoins!


  • Orders that use Bitcoin can only be shipped to addresses in the USA.
  • Shipping and handling charge is $6.95 in fiat US currency converted to Bitcoin.
  • Orders that total over $49 before conversion have Free Shipping and handling.

It's that easy.

We Use BitCoin and So Should You!

Email your Bitcoin order to:

I will personally get back to you.